Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meredith, Erica, Cherri and Misty take Jackson Hole by storm!

"The Group" in Jackson Hole
Meredith Butcher, Erica Midkiff, Misty Fontenot, Cherri Pitts
I first met Meredith in 1992.  She was a 9th grader at La Jolla Country Day and I was the new physical education teacher and coach.  Meredith was a member of the varsity volleyball team, the first LJCD team I coached as the assistant coach.  We hit it off right away and shared many great athletic times over the next four years.  Meredith played both volleyball and basketball for me at LJCD.  While coaching Meredith during her high school years, I always heard her family speak fondly of their two weeks spent every June in Jackson Hole at the Triangle X Ranch.  In 2007, I joined Meredith and her parents at the ranch for a wonderful week of fun.  Their love of Jackson Hole was quickly passed onto me.  It was great to host Meredith this summer while she introduced her friends to her childhood summer playground.

Meredith and Erica in Jackson Town Square
On the boat to ride across Jenny Lake
Meredith was the leader of this fun group and they took Jackson Hole by storm.  After spending their first day in town shopping and "animal hunting," they relaxed at the house and Meredith prepared a wonderful meal for all of us.

On day two of their adventure in Jackson, the group headed off to tackle Jenny Lake, Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point.  With Meredith's culinary skills at work, the group enjoyed a gourmet picnic with a beautiful view and became the envy of passing hikers.

Cherri and Meredith

Misty and Cherri are originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana and now live (like Meredith and Erica) in Birmingham, Alabama.  I knew that if these girls were friends of Meredith's, they would become friends of mine.  It was better than great having some "Louisiana Cajuns" and all their enthusiasm in the house!

Crazy girls ready for their Jenny Lake hike
Heading to Hidden Falls
Meredith "hike leader" enjoying the view
Misty and Cherri enjoying the Jenny Lake hike in the Grand Teton National Park
The made it to Hidden Falls
Meredith and Erica at Hidden Falls

Cherri and Misty enjoying the day

Enjoying the picnic at Inspiration Point
Conquering the mountain
Erica and Meredith at Inspiration Point

Meredith at the top of Inspiration Point
My new Cajun buddy Misty enjoying Wyoming!
Erica and Meredith ready to hike down from Inspiration Point
On their 3rd day in the valley, we attempted to hike to the Phelps Lake Overlook.  I knew the group could handle the hike and enjoy the view of Phelps Lake where they could picnic with another fine meal.  Sadly, our plan was not to be on that day.  The trailhead that leads to Phelps Lake is off of Moose Wilson road.  Due to the lack of rain and very dry vegetation, the bears have been coming down to lower elevation in search of berries and other food.  Bear activity on Moose Wilson road forced the park service to close the road to humans.  The road closure prevented me from taking the group to Phelps Lake.  Instead, the group headed up the tram at Teton Village and hiked in that area.  I headed off  with my hiking group to Glory Bowl (pictures later).  The elevation change on the Glory Bowl hike would have hurt my southern sea level friends, so it was better for them to enjoy the tram ride up to 10,000 feet.

"Girls just want to have fun."

Where the girls were hiking

Misty and Cherri on Rendezvous Mountain
The southern girls encountered a Bison while driving on Antelope Flats Road
After everyone returned from their hikes and after a quick change, we headed off to enjoy a scenic float trip down the Snake River.  The fires in California and Idaho resulted in much smoke entering the Jackson area.  The smoke made for a hazy view of the Tetons.  Not an ideal night to enjoy a scenic float, but I knew with this group there would still be much laughter and fun.  None of us were disappointed in the evening.

Cherri, Misty, Jo Ann, Meredith and Erica waiting for the float trip to begin
Ready to board the float
Meredith in search of animals

Beavers at work or play?

Erica and Meredith enjoying the float trip
Sunset view of the Tetons from the Snake River on a smokey night.
On the girls last day in Jackson, we decided to hit a few of the last minute "must do" things before they headed back to Birmingham.  The day began with a slow start in the living room just enjoying the view.  In order to keep Cherri smiling and her blood sugar even, we headed out to lunch.  This meant a drive over the Teton Pass to Victor, Idaho.  The Birmingham girls just had to eat at The Grumpy Goat!

Beautiful day in Idaho at the Grumpy Goat
Meeting the goats

Loving lunch at Grumpy's (notice goat in background!)

After eating our hot dogs at Grumpy's, we strolled down Main Street in Victor, Idaho and found a few shops and of course purchased a few things.  Erica was the big winner with her purchase of a new hat!  Notice that she is in the "hat picture" by herself.  The rest of us were trying to find the correct words to tell her that the hat she loved would not make the impression she was looking for!  Birmingham watch out!

After enjoying lunch, shopping and huckleberry shakes in Victor, it was time for us to drive back for more shopping in Jackson.  These girls definitely helped out the Jackson economy!  With shopping bags in the trunk, our next stop was the Triangle X Ranch.  Meredith was eager to show her friends the ranch and the playground of her youth.  She walked them around the ranch and explained the daily schedule.  We finished the walking tour of the ranch at just the right time to catch one of the best parts of the day at the ranch.  The "running of the horses" takes place near 5:00pm after the ranch guest have returned from their second ride of the day.  Once the horses have had their saddles and bridles removed, the wranglers lead them out of the corral and run them through the ranch fields to their favorite grazing field across the road near the Snake River.

We all loved watching the "running of the horses" and believed that we had seen all the wildlife we were going to see.  Imagine our surprise when driving down my street on our way home from the ranch, a mother moose and her baby were eating my neighbors willow trees/bushes.  The Birmingham girls could not have been happier.  Seeing a moose this close does not happen often.  The mother moose was in a good mood (or just really hungry) because she allowed us to stay close by for a very long time.

The day had been a great one and I was sad that it would be my last with my Birmingham friends.  The perfect way to end a great day is with dinner at the Snake River Grill.  After cleaning up from our long day of shopping, Grumpy's and the ranch, we headed back to the Jackson town square to indulge in a wonderful meal at my favorite restaurant.  I was first introduced to the Snake River Grill by the Butcher family, so it only made sense that Meredith eat her last meal of this visit at this restaurant.  We enjoyed an evening of good laughter and wonderful food!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lil and Cheryl Enjoy All Of Jackson Hole

My friends Lil and Cheryl came out to Jackson Hole on July 31st.  I know Lil and Cheryl from my four years t Pingry in New Jersey.  They enjoyed a few weeks of Jackson Hole in the summer of 2011, and they were eager to enjoy more fun in 2012.  While they were visiting, we touched a little bit of all the fun that Jackson has to offer.

Lil, Rashawn, Cheryl and Jo Ann enjoying dinner at Trio
Rashawn and Cheryl enjoying a laugh in downtown Jackson
One of my favorite parts of Sarasota in the winter is the Farmers Market on Main Street on Saturday mornings.  I find myself sleeping late on Saturdays and then jumping on my bike and riding off to Main Street.  After parking my bike, I enjoy the slow walk through the street as I check out the various booths.  I stop at the popcorn booth for two bags of the best cheddar cheese popcorn ever (one for college football viewing and one for pro football viewing) and then grab a great outdoor table at the local cafe and enjoy breakfast while reading the paper.  Lucky for me that Jackson Hole also has a Saturday morning Farmers Market around the Town Square.  Lil, Cheryl and I found our way there on a beautiful Saturday morning.

Lil and Cheryl checking out the fruit at Jackson Hole Farmers Market
While Lil and Cheryl were visiting, we planned a day of bike riding through the Grand Teton National Park.  Beautiful sunshine, amazing views and a wonderful bike path made for a fun day with great friends.

Biking in Grand Teton National Park
More from the bike trail
Lil and Cheryl riding the path
Lil and Cheryl riding the path
Taking a break from the path.
With all active house guest, a hike to Jenny Lake is always in order.  So one day we woke up early to beat  the crowds and off to Jenny Lake we went.  While at Jenny Lake we hiked to Hidden Falls and up to Inspiration Point.

Cheryl and Lil at Hidden Falls
Lil and Cheryl at Inspiration Point
Lil enjoying the view of Inspiration Point
Every group of house guest must also enjoy the Scenic Float down the Snake River with the Triangle X.  It is a beautiful and relaxing way to spend a few hours.  Everyone should take a float.

Lil, Cheryl and me enjoying a scenic float down the Snake River
View of the Tetons from the raft as we head down the Snake River
Where is the daddy bald eagle?????
Here is mommy bald eagle and the baby bald eagle
Mr. Beaver enjoying the bank of the Snake River
Scott looking back over at the Tetons
How can you not love this view?

It was a real pleasure to host Lil and Cheryl again in Jackson Hole.  I believe they are falling in love with the place as much as I love it.  I am hoping they will be back again next summer to continue the fun.  Of course,  before Lil and Cheryl headed back to New Jersey, we had to make one run over the Grand Teton pass to check in with our friend Grumpy!

Lil and Cheryl getting ready to enjoy Grumpy's!