Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Monday, October 10, 2011

All Good Things Must Come To An End

"For the Joy, The Laughs, The Lessons, The Adventure of a Lifetime"
Oprah Winfrey

It has been seven months since I made the decision to live in Jackson Hole for the summer.  It is a decision that will be remembered by me as one of my best decisions EVER.  It has been four and a half months of pure fun, excitement and pleasure.  I really did not know what to expect from actually "living" here as opposed to visiting for a week, like I have done for the previous four years.  My summer life here has been wonderful and the experience is very tough to put into words.  There is a beauty to the land and a calmness in the air that is like no other place I have ever been.  Life is simple here and simple is good.  The majestic nature of the land actually calls to you each and every day.  You are pulled to the plentiful outdoor activities that exist in and around Jackson Hole.  I stayed active every day and yet did not have enough time to experience everything the area has to offer.  I can already see that I will be back for more fun next summer.

Morning view on my last full day in paradise

"No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain can not be denied.  It speaks in silence to the core of your being."
Ansel Adams

What I will always remember and cherish about this experience is that I was able to share it with many good friends.  I spent 123 days here in Jackson Hole and I shared my home during 80 of those days with visiting friends.  Being able to share the experience with friends was one of the motivating factors when I made the decision to venture here for the summer.  My time here in Jackson Hole allowed me to reconnect with friends from all over the US and the many different chapters of my life.

"Traveling has been my greatest teacher.  It has offered me the gift of seeing and experiencing other points of view and other realities."
Shirley Mc Clain

My friends mean the world to me and spending time with each of them and sharing this experience was both refreshing and rewarding.  There is no better feeling in the world then to connect with true friends and share deep laughter together.  I had friends visit from all of the crazy chapters of my life.  Two different visitors (Katherine and Nancy) have known me since I was 9 years old when me met at summer camp in Mentone, Alabama.  Another visitor was one of my best friends from the San Diego chapter of my life.  Kate and I met in 1992 and became roommates in 1994.  Another visitor (Heather) popped in from Salt Lake City and we had a blast catching up and also reminiscing about the fun we had working together for a few years in San Diego.  My Dallas friend (Elaine) spent 10 days here and now we have Jackson Hole to add to the long list of places we have traveled together since meeting in 1986.  My New Jersey years were also well represented.  Five New Jersey buddies (Lil, Sara, Cheryl, Mary Ellen and Ranait) made the long journey west and memories were added to those we have created together since becoming friends in 2001.  Our Pingry connection will always keep us in touch.  I also loved hosting Sarasota friends (Dick, Betsy,Dave, Seyken, Susan, Alli, Chris, Tiffany, Adele, Dianne, Lorraine ans Cathy) and getting to know them even better since moving to Sarasota in 2005.  It was wonderful to spend time with all of them outside of our regular routine in Sarasota.  Experiencing the wedding of Sarasota friends Vicky and Kevin was a definite highlight of the summer.  They are both the best of the best of the human race and it is wonderful that they have found each other.  Like me, they also have a love of Jackson Hole and it was great to spend time with them here.  Some of my most special days were those spent with my sister Stacy and her friend Tricia.  They traveled from New Orleans and Jackson, Mississippi to enjoy the relaxation of Jackson Hole.  I do not get to see my sister as often as I would like, but as soon as we got together it was just like the old times when she was challenging me to see how many cheese balls I could fit in my mouth at one time (43).  I enjoyed showing my friend from Chicago around and watching the awe that appeared in their eyes when they saw the beauty of the Grand Tetons for the first time.  And of course, having Rashawn visit for a week was like icing on a cake.  I loved watching him turn back into his younger self when he went paragliding and whitewater rafting for the first time ever.  I love that I can still share such experiences 
with him.

Dave and Susie Luebbe - me - Carol and Craig Schwender

My time here in Jackson Hole was not all about old friends.  I was fortunate enough to meet some new friends who helped make the "adventure" such a positive experience.  I was lucky to meet Carol Schwender during my first week in Jackson Hole.  I had participated in "Open Tennis" at Teton Pines tennis club the first Saturday I was in town.  Carol is a regular player in 'open tennis' and was friendly and gracious from the moment we took the court.  A few days later at "Thirsty Thursday" ladies tennis, Carol's husband Craig dropped by to watch and then invited us all back to the club's restaurant for a glass of wine.  Both Craig and Carol are super outgoing and were happy to have the "new kid in town" tag along with them to many activities.  Craig organized numerous hikes and I even ended up playing a bit of golf (ok .... a pitch and putt outing) with them.  Through Teton Pines tennis club, I was also lucky to meet Susie and Dave Luebbe.  Years ago Dave was the Tennis Director at Teton Pines and his wife Susie is an excellent player.  Teton Pines gave my phone number to Susie and she called often to set up some very good tennis matches for us.  I did not play much tennis out here, but the best and most fun tennis I did play was mixed doubles with Susie and Dave.  Dave also took Vicky and I out for an afternoon of fly fishing!  Meeting both the Schwender's and Luebbe's at the start of the summer set a wonderfully positive tone for my adventure.  I learned from these new friends that the locals of Jackson Hole are as wonderful as the beauty of the Grand Tetons!

I do realize how lucky I am to be fortunate enough to simply "take off" and live in Jackson Hole for over four months.  Every day, I thank my lucky stars and those who have made my life posssible.  My goal is to never simply sit back and watch life happen.  I will continue to push myself to grab life by the tail, hang on and experience all that I can.

"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"


  1. LOVE THIS!!!!! And so happy I got to be a part of it!!

  2. Fantastic blog Jo Ann, I will miss it and look forward to more next summer!
