Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in Jackson Hole

Monday Night Entertainment in Jackson Hole

On Monday night, Stacy, Tricia and I found ourselves downtown at the local western theatre to see the performance of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  The performance took place in a very old theatre that still looks like it is from "back in the day" of customers riding up on horses and buying a drink in the saloon.  It is a very cute place and provided a fun evening out old time "Jackson Hole" style.

Our evening started in the saloon for our pre-show dinner.  The food was good and delivered by a singing serving staff!

Our dinner location

A singing waitress took our order and delivered our food

Sitting at the bar in the saloon - notice the saddle bar stools
The show was very good.  The performers had a tremendous amount of energy and the story was fun.  They even adapted the play to have Jackson Hole as the town and made many reference to many things around the area.  As the first half of the play took place, there was even a deer head on the wall whose mouth moved from time to time.  Stacy totally disagreed with me about the mouth moving deer head, but I know what I saw and I saw that deer's mouth move!  During the intermission, Stacy continued to insist that the deer's mouth was not moving.  I hated to do it, but she forced me into it.   Knowing it would drive her crazy and positive that it would add to the fun of the evening, I walked up on the stage to examine the deer head more closely.  Knowing that it would send Stacy even further over the edge and into a fit of laughter, I then asked the other audience members if they in fact had seen the deer's mouth move.  I simply can't explain the looks on the faces of the folks in the theatre or the laughter coming from Stacy as she tried to hide in her seat and have the others think she did not know me!  Great fun!  

Mouth moving deer head

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up, reading old posts and had a great belly laugh over this one! I want to be there with the two of you next year!
