Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dick and Betsy Come To Town

I had a slow weekend in Jackson Hole last weekend, so forgive me for being delinquent with my blog postings.  Last Thursday, I was eagerly awaiting the visit of my friend Heather Shepherd's from Salt Lake City.  Heather and I worked together at La Jolla Country Day and always manage to have a great time together.  Unfortunately, at the last minute she was unable to make the trip and sadly I missed out on the fun we would have found together.  Have no fear.....Heather is also scheduled to come out over Labor Day weekend, so I know we will enjoy a weekend of laughter at that time.

Enjoying dessert and wine at The Snake River Grill
After two days of taking it easy, I was glad to welcome Dick Mace and Betsy Buxton to my Jackson Hole retreat.  They are friends from Sarasota and it has been a pleasure to spend time with them here in Jackson Hole.  Our day time schedules are not matching up due to my work schedule, but we are enjoying dinners together and a few relaxing hours around the house.  Dick and Betsy arrived on Monday and have been off and running every day.  On Tuesday they took a tour of Yellow Stone.  I had to work on Tuesday morning, so I joined them for a wonderful dinner at The Snake River Grill in the Jackson Town Square.  On Wednesday, Dick and Betsy toured the National Wildlife Museum and spent their afternoon hiking the Jenny Lake Trails.  They shared a dinner at The Granary (wonderful view but not impressed with the food) and I met up with them for wine and dessert when my shift ended at the Triangle X !  It was a cool/crisp evening that night, as we enjoyed our wine and dessert on the patio of the Snake River Grill.

Today (Thursday) was a beautiful weather day in Jackson Hole.  I worked the morning shift (7:00am - 1:00pm) and was unable to join Dick and Betsy on their whitewater rafting experience down the southern part of the Snake River.  They reported to me that the river was running fast and they encountered at least three class 4 rapids.  Due to the hard/long winter (tons of snow) that the Jackson Hole area had this year, the Snake River is now dangerously high.  I waited until after Dick and Betsy returned from rafting and entertained me with their rafting experience before I mentioned to them about the 77 year old man who drowned last weekend on the same whitewater trip.  After their rafting trip, Dick and Betsy spent time exploring Teton Village.  They are taking full advantage of the beautiful weather and all that Jackson Hole has to offer.  While they were off on their afternoon adventure, I ran a few errands when my office shift ended.

Just because I am now living life as a "cowgirl",  doesn't mean that I can go without a good manicure.  I have found a nice Spa where I can get my nails done.

After getting my nails done I headed to the Jackson Hole Bank where I needed to have a few papers notarized.  While in the bank, I noticed something you would never see in Sarasota.  Every bank employees' desk had a clear jar filled with dog biscuits!  The native residents in Jackson Hole would be considered "dog people" and seem to bring their dogs everywhere with them.  The bank not only had dog biscuits on every desk, but they also have a coat rack near the door with a variety of dog leashes for dog owners to choose from. Management does ask that dogs be leased in the bank.  I spoke with the bank president and told him about Jed and all his wonderful qualities and training.  The bank president agreed that if I could convince Mike Virzi at Pingry to send Jed to Jackson Hole, then Jed would not have to be on a leash in the bank.  I figured Jed would like that and I know he would love the dog biscuits!  Stay tuned ....... I have already left a message for Mike

Dog bones ready for Jed
Jed eager and ready to head to Jackson Hole

With freshly painted nails and notarized papers from the bank, I continued on my merry way and found interesting sites on my way back home.  Since arriving here in early June and taking the back roads near Teton Pass, I have often encountered cows laying down in the fields.  I have never before seen so many cows who choose to lay down in the fields instead of standing up.  After much contemplation, I have decided that Jackson Hole simply has laid back cows.  No cow stress ... beautiful cow views ... so cows lay down.

Driving on the same road that the "laying down cows" live on, I have always been intrigued by a certain ranch cabin.  I found myself wondering who lived there and what that person's life was like living in such a cute little cabin.  So far, I have resisted the urge to simply knock on the door and introduce myself, but today I had stop and take a picture of the cabin to share with all of you.  Don't you just wonder who lives there and what their life must be like in that cabin ...... especially during the dead of winter ???

I love this little cabin and the cow skull on the wall.

With my errands completed for the day and my wandering having come to an end, I found myself back at my house to greet Betsy and Dick and hear about their day.  After an hour or so of catching up on their activities of the day, we headed to town for a wonderful dinner at Sage.  Sage is a fancy little restaurant in the Rusty Parrot Hotel and the food is very good.  We enjoyed a fabulous meal and a great bottle of wine.

Betsy, Dick and me after a great meal at Sage.

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