Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Arrived in Jackson Hole

View from living room?backyard deck
I arrived in Jackson Hole around 1:00pm Mountain Time.  The airport has been expanded since my visit last year and the line at the rent of car went quickly.  The guy checking me in at Hertz was a bit of a nerd.  He was very serious about is job and could not believe that I would not take the extra insurance they offer on each car.  His face had a smirk on it as he tells me "you ought to reconsider the extra insurance because I have hit 10 animals this week!"  Extra insurance.....I am thinking this guy needs to head back to driving school.  The house is an easy drive from the airport.  Once I arrived and met up with Kelsey (the property manager) I was very impressed with the house.  It is much nicer than the pictures I viewed online when I was searching for a rental.  The house is spacious and very clean.  It will be very comfortable for all the guest who have trips planned this way.  After having the tour of the house, while wearing jeans and a sweater, it was off to the grocery store to get the basics.  The summer season is starting here resulting in town having the usual summer traffic.  After I found my needed berries, yogurt and chicken, it was back home to relax.  With the time change and the early departure from Sarasota, I am pretty beat!  I am now sitting in the living room enjoying the beautiful view of the Tetons.  At 8:10pm Mountain Time, the sun is still up and bathing the snow covered Tetons in bright light.


  1. Yeah!!! so glad you are doing this! can't wait to hear about all the adventures. And yes, that guy needs to go to driving school.

  2. Beautiful Jo! So happy for you:-) Your pretty darn good at the blog thing as well lol...

  3. so impressed at your blogging already! Delighted to know you got there safely and the house is better than expected. Can't wait to hear about your first day at Triangle X!

  4. berries...yogurt...chicken lol the basics

  5. Just got off the court in 90 degree weather. Your pics look especially beautiful and refreshing at this moment. Enjoy!

  6. Looks so beautiful out there!
