Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying"

Open Play Tennis at Teton Pines
That song describes my day perfectly.  I have had a great day and I continue to LOVE my Jackson Hole Adventure.  The weather has turned and the sunshine and 70 degree temps are absolutely wonderful.  My day started off with "Open Tennis" at Teton Pines Tennis Club.  We played for about 2 and half hours.  It was all good fun.  Because it was such a beautiful day, I just had to stay outside and enjoy it.

I initially thought that I would buy a bike when I arrived here in Jackson Hole so that I could bike to and from work at the ranch as much as I could.  The purchase of the bike has not taken place yet because my schedule and the cold weather when I first got here prevented that plan from ever happening.  The ranch is about 20 miles from the house, and since I need to be at work twice a week at 7:00am, the bike riding never took place.  The owners of the house have left two bikes in the garage, so I decided to take one of them out for a an afternoon ride to Moose Junction to continue to enjoy the beautiful weather and have lunch.

The first bike I left the neighborhood riding had no gears that worked.  I figured 16 miles on a bike with no gears would not make for a pleasant ride, so I turned around to give the second bike a try.  After taking 20 minutes to figure out how to inflate the tires with the special adapter left for me by the owner, I headed out to Moose Junction once again.
Bike with no gears

Bike with gears....yea!

It was a beautiful ride and I had fun music playing in my ears.  When Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying" played in my ears I felt like he was singing to me.  That is what this adventure is about.  I was surrounded by beautiful views, a blue sky, warm sunshine and temperatures in the 70's with no humidity.  The ride was awesome.  Before having lunch at Dornan's, I stopped at the Visitor's Center at Moose Junction to pick up hiking maps of the area that I can share with my house guests.

View while riding
Another view from the ride

Lunch at Dornan's was awesome.  I sat on the roof top
patio and quickly found myself talking to the people at the other tables near by.

Lunch at Dornan's

We were all enjoying the great weather and comparing winter locations when it turned out that everyone spent the winter in Florida.  Not just Florida, but the two younger ladies live year round in Tampa and the older couple live in JH in the summer and on Anna Maria (near Sarasota) during
the winter.  CRAZY but so much fun to spend some time talking with them.  After lunch and conversation, it was back on the bike for a nice ride home.

Floridians who summer in Jackson Hole ! Can you see that the guy's hat says Anna Maria?

 In the words of Tim McGraw, "Live Like You Were Dying."

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