Triangle X Ranch

Triangle X Ranch
John Butcher riding back to the Triangle X Ranch.

About Me

I fell in love with Jackson Hole when first introduced to the area by the Butcher family. When I decided to spend the summer of '11 out here in JH, a former Pingry athlete, Katie Occhipinti, suggested I blog the adventure. I had no idea what a blog was but Katie O set the whole thing up and got me on my way. Last summer was a tremendous experience. The blog details all the great fun I shared with friends from June '11 - Oct. '11. Even before I left to head back to SRQ, I knew I wanted more of JH. I am now back in JH for "Adventure Summer Round Two!" Many friends have encouraged me to continue the blog this summer ...... so here we go! I arrived to town on June 12th and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to another summer of hiking, biking and visits from friends. I once again look forward to sharing this experience with all of my friends who have planned to visit me out here. I also look forward to sharing the experience with my friends who follow this blog. Enjoy the pictures and the adventure. Happy summer to everyone!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Scenic Float Trip

On Tuesday, the entire group made their way to Moose Junction to take a Scenic Float Trip with the Triangle X.  We knew it was going to be a great trip because on our way over to meet the float trip, we saw a GIANT moose near the river.  It was way cool.  Our good luck continued once we arrived at the float trip parking lot.  Due to the number of clients scheduled for the trip that night, our little group of 6 had the luxury of a private boat.  Could it be that my boss did not want my group to mix with the public?  We can be a pretty rowdy bunch.  Our raft guide for the evening was Scott.  Our driver was Matt and he was quite the gentleman helping us into the raft.

Matt our van driver 

Scott or raft guide

It was a beautiful late afternoon / early evening on the river and Scott did a great job of guiding us down the Snake River.  He discussed the geology and history of the area and was a great spotter of the wildlife on the river.  We saw 6 bald eagles, 2 beavers, a moose and lots of geese.
It was a relaxing trip down the river and the beer was good too.

Rashawn relaxing on the float trip
Scott teaching the group about the area

Lil searching for animals

Me and Sara enjoying the float

One of the bald eagles we saw
Great view

Elaine enjoying the river

Sara took advantage of the learning experience and had Scott teach her how to paddle and steer down the river.  It was quite amusing and much laughter took place.  Sara did a great job of keeping us moving down the river.

Scott teaching Sara

Sara getting us down the river

The "small world" connection of traveling in Jackson Hole continued after we finished the scenic float trip.  Rashawn and I found out a few days ago that Doug and Melissa Scarfeo were going to be in Jackson Hole on vacation.  Doug's daughter Daniella graduated from La Jolla Country Day with Rashawn and I played basketball for me for four years.  Rashawn and Daniella also ran cross country together.  Doug and Melissa were always in the stands cheering the kids on to victory.  We arranged to meet Doug and Melissa for dinner at Dornan's after we finished our float trip.  It was great catching up with them and remembering years past.

Doug Scarfeo and Rashawn

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